Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Education is essentially about acquiring knowledge. Due to the present utilitarian culture prevailing all over the world,education has become obsessed with equipping a person for a career rather than helping him to become a better human being! Career,success and money have become the sole criteria in determining the quality of education imparted to a student.
In ancient India,the sole objective of the teacher used to be to awaken the learning instinct in a person. The teacher was the Guru and was regarded as sacrosanct. Every person was left the choice to choose his Guru. The student would stay in the Guru's home and was regarded as a member of the family.There he was taught literature,science,music,martial arts and even domestic chores. His whole life was regulated to the sole objective of acquiring knowledge,At the end of his training,he was expected to give Guru-Dakshina,a token payment,as a mark of his gratitude to the Guru.Students from all over the world came to India to learn.
In Modern India today education has become totally commercialized and has become the exclusive preserve of the wealthy.The culture of capitation-fee has become all pervasive.Children are encouraged to join coaching classes right from a very small age.The pressure to succeed has become so strong that many adolocents are committing suicide every year.Education instead of being a joy and delight has become a burden.A person's qualification has become the criteria for fixing his dowry.
As a result there is hardly any originality or independent thought found in India.The quality of literary works,scientific research or artistic talent  is very poor! The teacher has lost respect in society and is only pre-occupied with receiving his emoluments.The present system suits the ruling class very well as it ensures that only robots are produced and not human beings.
The need of the hour is a revolution to revamp the entire scenario,so that India can take its rightful place in the world as a center of learning!

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