Monday, 27 October 2014

holistic education

Child suicides are increasing at an alarming rate in India.Pondicherry has the highest ratio of 35.6 per 1 lac of population as against the national average of 11.1.This is primarily due to excessive pressure on the child both at school and home to get higher grades.Even if the child has no aptitude for the subject,he is compelled to excel at it.
Learning has taken a back seat in all educational institutions in India.The entire educational scenario is bleak as it has become grade-centric rather than learning centric.This pattern is stifling the latent creativity and imaginative capacity of the child..In almost all private schools in India children have become caricatures of Humpty Dumpty with large bellies and specs.Most of them look drugged and stupified.There are hardly any smiling faces to be seen.Due to lack of space,sports and physical exercise are being neglected and more priority is being given to installing computers and TV sets.There are hardly any libraries in schools and children prefer to play computer games or watch soap operas.Schools resemble some prison establishments with photo IDs hanging around their necks.If this trend continues children will soon become nervous wrecks completely jeopardising India's future.
Education to be meaningful should be holistic with a balanced approach to academics,sports and co-curricular activities.Learning should be fun and spontaneous.Each child should have  full opportunities to explore his talents.The spiritual dimension has to be given the topmost priority.
The child looks to his teachers and parents to give him the necessary guidance and support.Discipline,sincerity,affection,hygiene, and team-spirit have to be nurtured in every child,if he is to grow up to be a mature and sensitive individual.

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